There are a number of ways to get involved at Ellwood House. The primary way to do this is to join (or start) a volunteer committee or join the Board of Directors. They help contribute to the operations of Ellwood House and keep the community active and engaged!
Engagement can go as far as you want it to! If you are interested in organizing a community event, please submit your proposal to the office in writing for the Board to review.
How Much Volunteer Time Is Required?
We understand each tenant of Ellwood House is an individual and in some cases may find it difficult to volunteer on a consistent basis with any one committee. We try to make the volunteer system as flexible as possible for everyone.
If you are not able to regularly volunteer on a committee, there are other ways to stay involved. The following partial list may help:
Delivering notices for the office co-ordinator.
Garbage pickup around the premises.
Cleaning and/or salting walkways in the winter.
Assist with garden watering & up keep.
Cleaning the Community Centre.
For more information, or to find out how to get involved, please contact the office or attend the next members meeting:
Annual General Meetings are held in May each year.
General Member's Meetings are held periodically throughout the year, as needed.
The Board of Directors meets regularly throughout the year and as needed.